Instruction · Sporting · 2 answers · 1.58k views · 0 votes · posted by Bob
Is Eye Cross Dominance And Cross Firing The Same Thing?
phil kiner - 41 Reputation
latest answer
Cross-firing is when the off-eye is the one that directs the shot.There are a lot of symptoms but one of the most common is when right handed shooters start missing left angle targets.Another is when your scores drop off at the end of the day or as a s... Read More
Instruction · Trap · 1 answer · 1.54k views · 0 votes · posted by Kyle Adams
Is Flinching Considered Failure To Fire?
Jon Lee - 11 Reputation
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Yes, flinching is a natural occurrence where the trigger finger doesn't release the trigger and it  can be problematic when the shotgun is not fit properly to the body measurements. Read More
Competitions · Sporting · 1 answer · 1.3k views · 0 votes · posted by Johanna S.
What Is The Correct Way To Score A Report Pair If The Gun Doubles With First Target Missed?
Kyle Adams - 36 Reputation
latest answer
When the gun doubles, it is considered a gun malfunction based on the NSCA NSSA 2017 Rule Book (VII-H-1-a).The shooter shall be allowed a combined total of three (3) malfunctionsper day, per event attributed to either the shooter's gun or ammunition. T... Read More
Instruction · Skeet · 2 answers · 1.49k views · 0 votes · posted by Mr. H
What Does The Letter "T" Stand For In Doubles?
Mr. H - 1 Reputation
latest answer
Thanks for that.  Lots to learn for a rookie. Read More
Equipment · Browning BPS Trap shotgun · Trap · 3 answers · 1.46k views · 0 votes · posted by tom
Where Do I Get Started, What Gun Should I Use?
Coach Bill - 151 Reputation
latest answer
If you are a novice, find an experienced shooter that will help you to pick out the right gun for you. I am talking a rental gun to start with. Gun fit is paramount for an enjoyable shooting.If you get hooked  and you want to buy a gun then consider th... Read More
Equipment · Skeet · 1 answer · 1.4k views · 1 vote · posted by Janet Miseta Robasky Nielsen
Won Silma M70 In 1997, Never Been Shot And Never Talked To Anyone That's Ever Heard Of One, Just Wondered What Its Worth?
Kyle Adams - 36 Reputation
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Depending on the gauge, the value varies between $725 - $825. This estimate is according to Jerry Lee's "Standard Catalogue of Rifles and Shotguns". You can see it for free on Google Book too. Read More
Instruction · Sporting · 1 answer · 1.6k views · 0 votes · posted by Andrei Erdoss
What Is The Intercept Method?

I heard about the intercept method as a way to shoot clay targets. What are it's advantages? Is i...

Coach Bill - 151 Reputation
latest answer It's kind of like merging into traffic on the highway. Read More
Equipment · 1 answer · 1.11k views · 0 votes · posted by Kyle Adams
What Shell Catcher Should I Use For My Teknys Gold?

Is there one specially made for Teknys? Thanks a lot for the help!

Coach Bill - 151 Reputation
latest answer Read More
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