Sherbrooke, Canada

Clay target and hunting clubs

Sherbrooke Skeet shooting, Trap shooting, Sporting Clays, 5 Stand, FITASC, Compak, and wingshooting
Club Location Contact Facilities
Club de Tir Sandhill Cookshire-Eaton Five Stand, American Skeet, American Trap
Champ de tir de l'Estrie St-François Xavier de Brompton (819) 846-4580, (819) 828-2490 American Trap
Seymour Lake Lodge Morgan Center (802) 895-4436 Grouse, Deer, Duck
Tall Timber Lodge Pittsburg (800) 835-6343 Grouse, Pheasant
Lopstick Lodge And Cabins Pittsburg (800) 538-6659 Grouse
Club de tir les Loisirs de Granby Canton de Granby (450) 375-4661 American Trap
Centre de Tir Maska Saint-Dominique 514-943-4725 American Skeet
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